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Have a look on some of handful of service for your dearest one

Well Grooming

Pet grooming is important aspect of a pet's overall well-being and health.With proper pet grooming,you will get rid of shedding,fleas and various health conditions.Hence,grooming will take your furry friend for treatment sooner and more efficiently.

Proper Vaccination

Pet Vaccinations play a critical role in protecting your pet from many dangerous and even fatal diseasea.Vaccines help prepare a pet's immune system to defend itself from any invasion of disease causing organisms.Pet vaccine is to mildly stimulate the immune system.

Intense Training

Training is an important part of pet development.Playing with toys and interacting with you on a daily basis helps them to understand some of basic rule they will need to become a happy,well-adjusted pet.Training leads to learning new skills and strengthening the bond between you.


Pet-Home street 236 agarwal township behind macd vasai west.

1800 555 6712

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